
Posts Tagged ‘rapids’

With as many accidents and drownings that I’m sure have occurred in the James River, I did not come across one report as I scoured the internet this morning.  However, I will keep my eyes peeled and perhaps even scroll through some newspapers at the library for a story sooner or later.  Perhaps this event went unreported.  It’s entirely possible.  I do, however, have a picture you need to see.

The Stairs

The stairs in my dream.

This is a picture of the stairs in my dream.  The only things that are different are that in my dream there was no graffiti and there were what appeared to be puddles gathered in the dirt area that you can see on the top right hand corner.

Even just looking at the picture now sends shivers down my spine.  I still can not seem to get over the fact that I had a dream about a place I had never been to and that place actually exists.

That poor girl…  I just hope everything turned out alright.

On a note completely unrelated to my dream, check out my EVPs section.  On the actual island of Belle Isle JJ and I caught something in the Civil War Storage Shed.

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Thursday morning JJ and I headed out to Belle Isle for our adventure.  It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day – perfect for the hikers, bikers, and people wandering aimlessly on the island’s many trails.  It was bustling with people eager to soak up the great outdoors.  The isle’s 54 acres are covered mostly by trees, though there are grassy areas and small cliffs, and it is right in the middle of the class 5 rapids of the James River.  It was a fantastic site to see.  However, we all know that was not why we were there.

While I was there, I kept my mind open in hopes of answering the one question that drew me to the island in the first place – Why did that little girl in my dream not want to go to Belle Isle?  JJ and I wandered for a while when I was drawn toward the river.  We walked slowly along a gravel trail that seemed to wrap the whole way around the island until we came to an area where there were very large, smooth rocks peaking out of the rapids.  I stopped, staring at those rocks for a few moments when a very strong sense of sadness came over me.  It was at that moment that I sensed the presence of a woman in her 30’s.  I don’t believe it was an active spirit but a residual energy in that spot.  I felt a great deal of fear there, and overwhelming mournfulness.    That woman died there on those rocks.  She slipped and fell into the rapids as her two small children looked on in horror.

I believe that is the reason that little girl did not want to go to Belle Isle.  She did not want to spend the day playing in the river that killed her mother.

I will research this further and see if there is any reports of a woman dying in the river and post the results.

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