
Posts Tagged ‘cats’

My life has been full of stress recently.  Jeremiah and I will be married on the 22nd of this month.  If you have ever experienced planning a wedding before you know that it is no fairy tale like we all imagined as little girls.  Every part of my life is in complete chaos and there is not a thing I can do about it.  Tonight is the first night in quite a while I have had time to sit and take some time for myself.

We moved into a new apartment in August.  We are right outside the city and right near my job.  We have more room, a better location, and, of course, new spirits.

The first week we were in our new townhouse, Synthia made some new friends.  She would spend hours playing in her room by herself, which was new for her, and having long, detailed conversations with them.  When we questioned her about it she would simply say she was talking to herself.  Typical.  Shortly thereafter she began asking Jeremiah questions about death and dying.  She asked him where we go when we die and why some people do not leave.  I must admit I was feeling a bit jealous at this point.  All of my background on this subject and she asks him about it instead of me.  Granted she isn’t exactly in the know about this sort of thing, so I took the liberty of having a chat with her myself about it.  Of course I made her bring it up first.  I asked her why she is so interested all of a sudden about where you go when you die.  She said she is just curious.  I then asked about her new friends.  Some sounded like normal kid fantasy, though some sounded quite convincing.  I was about ready to end the conversation when she looked at me with a very serious, pensive face and told me that my mom is very nice and she is sorry that she died.  I wasn’t quite expecting that.  I asked her how she knows my mom was nice.  She said she has seen her and talked to her and that she is very pretty.  She described her exactly as I remember her.  She also said she was dressed all in white and had a “light circle over her head.”  I could not believe what I was hearing.  She had seen my mother… as an angel.

Ghosts I can handle.  The concept of demons?  I’ve got that covered.  Angels, well, I haven’t encountered much of.  To know that my daughter has actually been visited my mother and that Synthia described her as angelic truly astounded me.  It also put into perspective that good really does exist and that life after death is not limited purely to ghostly apparitions.

Slowly the conversations subdued.  She was spending more time downstairs with Jeremiah and me and less time with her new acquaintances.  That was fine by me.  I don’t care how educated I am about the subject, spirits having conversations with children, no matter how harmless, really bothers me.  She has not mentioned anything in some time.  I, on the other hand, have been experiencing more and more activity lately.

It started with the shadows.  I would be in the living room and they would dart here and there across the room.  Occasionally our cats would notice and stare.  It does still happen from time to time but nothing more than a quick glace from my peripheral vision.  Most recently have been the strange noises I occasionally hear: knocking, whispering, rustling.  This mostly happens in our bedroom upstairs.   Jeremiah hears it from time to time as well, though not nearly as often.  That is not all.  Then the other night I was lying awake in bed.  I found I could not fall asleep, which is all too common nowadays, and so I was staring at the window.  Our window faces a road.  Even late at night there will be the occasional car driving by causing lights and shadows to chase around the room.  I am very familiar with what that looks like considering I have been staring at them for weeks now.  That night though something was different.  I kept seeing a white light flash to the right of the window just outside the frame.  I kept thinking it was my imagination at work as it was late and I was tired.  I dismissed it for a bit.  It kept reappearing; an unreasonably slow pulsating light.  Just before I closed my eyes and rolled over, it bolted clear across the room.  At that point I was convinced I was seeing things.  I rubbed my eyes and rolled over, thinking it was just the cars passing by.  I peeked one last time around the room just to make sure.  The light came from the same spot in the room and moved right over to the other side without hesitation.  It darted from wall to wall all over the room until it disappeared into thin air.

I can not tell if these things follow me or I am just aware of them where ever I happen to be.  The great thing I have discovered about Richmond is that the vast majority of people who hear about my “abilities,” “senses,” “intuition,” or whatever they would like to call it, actually find it fascinating and validating instead of creepy or crazy.  As it turns out I fit in here rather well.  Here’s to years of paranormal good times.

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